Monday, August 13, 2007

Haunted Hardware

He he.

I had to stop, end of my slaving time to capture, edit, render, author, upload my Banned movies videos of last July.

Being with BMP lets me encounter a lot of eccentric peeps, eccentric sometimes is an understatement. Case in point this little lady vocalist that screams the hades out of purple haze, her voice apparently also scares the heads of my video cam, awes my adobe and haywires my firewire.

I've edited non-stop my first 2 tapes and uploaded the videos with no fuzz.. but suddenly i get drop frames, halted ieee 1394 connections and no remote controls with this band's footage.. whaddah@##!!

I believe in rest, in stopping and doing other stuff.. break for me, break for my pc, break kung break...

This reminds me of one of my funny client encounters before when i was editing for a supplier for GMA 7, they also assign me to do freelance projects:

Timeline : week before holy week circa 2000
Client : B. N.
Product : Holy week TV shows (some of them still running BTW mga channel 9, 13, 4.)

Planning isn't one her her best traits, everything left to prayer, she goes to edit a 2 hour program with 30++ tapes in tow (with an entourage of 4 househelps she calls PAs, with 3 to 4 luggages full of tapes, baon and paraphernalia) multi-format footage(Betacam, U matic, S-VHS, VHS, DVD,) no shotlists.. we would go through her footage like getting coins from a plate of flour, that game u use your nose to pluck the coin with, that hard, that painful, that humiliating.

She wouldn't worry about her hourly rate because she gets a super discount in the guise of religious work.
She would let her "PA" massage her feet with whiteflower oil while you're inside an enclosed airconditioned room. (New sign should read. No Eating. No Drinking. No Smoking. No Whiteflower!)
And with all her useless footage captured, cache memory, virtual memory and actual memory all spent, what do you expect from poor old targa (mind you, we were using broadcast quality multi million systems then.. not your backyard pc-firewire-adobe setup huh) but to rest and hang.

Sometimes a welcome respite for the editor who'd be bored of her ramblings about devotions, conversions and miracles. (complete with pamphlets, photos, rosaries etc.) Hang. Hang. Hang.

One time, the system really went berserk on her.. (with ample warnings about choosing footages, deleting unwanteds, compressing and pre-planning.) it didn't want to proceed. Tech check, reset, control-alt-delete, she was praying over me and my unit. Desperate, she finally pulled out her last 2 arsenals.

2. Rose petals from Lipa. How can you stare at the petals' figures if you have to rewire the system that you want to work to get things done and over with?

"Carina, there's a message in every hardship. We should just look at the signs. Just like this rose, its not just a petal.. look, look! "(The sign said memory full! memory full!)

To self : "Hilo na ang loka tumingin ng 24 hours of footage, talagang meron akong makikita kahit sa maiwang mantsa ng kape. KAPE!!!"

1. Then finally, came the unexpected.. Like a saber sword she swooshed and swashbuckled. She wielded a bottle of holy water!!!

"No! Huwag po!!!! "

(water, out composite cables, plugged system, Nina)

Nyahhhhgggggzzzzzttt zzzzttttttt zzzztttt!

Yep, face all white, hair semi curled.


Mga Nadaldal